Theming Storybook

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Storybook is theme-able! Just set a theme in the options parameter!

Global theming

It’s really easy to theme Storybook globally.

We’ve created two basic themes that look good of the box: “normal” (a light theme) and “dark” (a dark theme).

As the simplest example, you can tell Storybook to use the “dark” theme by modifying .storybook/config.js:

import { addParameters } from '@storybook/react';
import { themes } from '@storybook/theming';

// Option defaults.
  options: {
    theme: themes.dark,

When setting a theme, set a full theme object. The theme is replaced, not combined.

Dynamic theming

You can also theme dynamically based on the story you’re viewing or based on UI in an addon (e.g. a theme picker).

For example, you can update the theme when the user is viewing a specific component:

import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import yourTheme from './yourTheme';

storiesOf('MyComponent', module)
  .addParameters({ options: { theme: yourTheme } })

Read on for more on how to create your own theme.

Create a theme quickstart

The easiest way to customize Storybook is to generate a new theme using the create() function from storybook/theming. This function includes shorthands for the most common theme variables. Here’s how to use it:

First create a new file in .storybook called yourTheme.js.

Next paste the code below and tweak the variables.

import { create } from '@storybook/theming';

export default create({
  base: 'light',

  colorPrimary: 'hotpink',
  colorSecondary: 'deepskyblue',

  // UI
  appBg: 'white',
  appContentBg: 'silver',
  appBorderColor: 'grey',
  appBorderRadius: 4,

  // Typography
  fontBase: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
  fontCode: 'monospace',

  // Text colors
  textColor: 'black',
  textInverseColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)',

  // Toolbar default and active colors
  barTextColor: 'silver',
  barSelectedColor: 'black',
  barBg: 'hotpink',

  // Form colors
  inputBg: 'white',
  inputBorder: 'silver',
  inputTextColor: 'black',
  inputBorderRadius: 4,

  brandTitle: 'My custom storybook',
  brandUrl: '',
  brandImage: '',

Finally, import your theme into .storybook/config and add it to your Storybook parameters.

import yourTheme from './yourTheme';

  options: {
    theme: yourTheme,

The storybook/theming package is built using TypeScript, so this should help create a valid theme for typescript users. The types are part of the package itself.

Many theme variables are optional, the base property is NOT. This is a perfectly valid theme:

import { create } from '@storybook/theming';

export default create({
  base: 'light',

  brandTitle: 'My custom storybook',
  brandUrl: '',
  brandImage: '',

Addons and theme creation

Some addons require specific theme variables that a Storybook user must add. If you share your theme with the community, make sure to support the official and other popular addons so your users have a consistent experience.

For example, the popular Actions addon uses react-inspector which has themes of its own. Supply additional theme variables to style it like so:

addonActionsTheme: {
  BASE_FONT_FAMILY: typography.fonts.mono,
  BASE_BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'transparent',

Using the theme for addon authors

For a native Storybook experience, we encourage addon authors to reuse the theme variables above. The theming engine relies on emotion, a CSS-in-JS library.

import { styled } from '@storybook/theming';

Use the theme variables in object notation:

const Component = styled.div(({ theme }) => ({
  width: 0,

Or with template literals:

const Component = styled.div`
  background: `${props =>}`
  width: 0;